From a 2013 feature on
I was born in Bellows Falls Vermont, known by the natives as Fellows Balls. My mother and I began moving frequently when I was five. The nearly annual relocations included London, Brooklyn, an island off the coast of Maine, Rome, and an Italian fishing village. I have been homesick my whole life, usually for nowhere in particular. Often in my work I am building a specific place. Perhaps this is an attempt to recreate the home that is in my dreams.
Education: B.A in Theatre and Dance, Bard College. Sporadic but ongoing SITI Company training workshops. École Philippe Gaulier, workshops with Msr. Gaulier in 1999.
Why theater?: My medium is human beings. Bodies, words, memory, time, ideas, history, sculpture, movement, stories, the unspeakable, secrets – these are some of the things that I get to work with every day. And every day I’m amazed by the privilege and also the responsibility of being able to work in this form. I also get to work intimately with amazing people. They come from all over the world and different walks of life, and we are able to share and feed our passion, to create a common language, to define and redefine what it means to communicate.
Favorite Credits: Eurydice’s Dream is the show that for me came closest to expressing the elements of humanness that we had set out to explode. Doruntine, our first show with Teatri Oda, was incredibly rewarding. There was a delicate balance for us as Americans to adapt and perform a story that was central to Albanian culture, as we took risks with the play and cast an African-American woman as an Albanian heroine. The response was overwhelming and extremely positive. This made touring the show very rewarding. Wherever we went throughout Albania, Macedonia and Kosova we were treated like celebrities.
Credit Type | Production | Season |
Props | Every Day a Visitor | 2000-01 Season |